
Effective Ways to Cleaning Carpet Spills & Removing Stains

Effective Ways to Cleaning Carpet Spills & Removing Stains

As a trusted Chicago carpet provider, we at Home Carpet One know a thing or two about keeping carpet looking its best. Our customers are always asking for the best way to clean up spills and get rid of stains, and the truth is, it depends on what you spilled and how long the stain has had to set.

There’s more than one effective way to clean stains, and of course some stains (pet accidents, red wine) are more common than others (Pepto Bismol, for example). When it comes to cleaning carpet stains, trial and error can be risky, and some products that claim to be safe for carpets can end up doing more harm than good.

Between Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day, we get lots of customers calling in asking about how to get rid of chocolate stains in carpet, so we thought we’d offer some advice on the subject.

One of the best options is to use a non-flammable dry cleaning solvent or spot removal solution. When using a solvent, be careful not to pour it directly onto the carpet. Instead, apply the solvent with a clean cloth, sponge, or gentle brush.

If the solvent reaches the backing of the carpet, it can damage the latex that connects the primary and secondary backings, so exercise caution. There are several acceptable solvents out there, including Capture, a brand that we carry at Home Carpet One.

If you don’t have a solvent on hand, you can use a solution of liquid dishwashing detergent and water. Use one cup of warm water and no more than a quarter teaspoon of detergent. Using a stronger concentration can damage your carpet.

Never use bleach detergents designed for automatic dishwashers, as these will almost certainly leave permanent stains and can destroy fibers. Also avoid laundry detergents. Although it may seem sensible to use laundry detergent on carpet, these detergents often contain fluorescent dyes than can dye the carpet fibers.

If you do use a detergent solution, rinse the area thoroughly afterward to remove potentially harmful detergent residues.

Another option is to use a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts of warm water. This simple solution is generally effective and is less likely to cause color changes than other common solutions such as ammonia solutions.

If none of these methods solves your problem, you can always call a Chicago carpet cleaning professional. Professional cleaners have specialized equipment and powerful cleaning products that can remove stains too stubborn for conventional methods.

As with any stain, chocolate stains can become more stubborn with time. If you aren’t successful in removing the stain yourself, do not hesitate to bring in the big guns as soon as possible.

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