
Understanding Rug & Carpet Pattern Direction

Understanding Rug & Carpet Pattern Direction

When shopping online at Home Carpet One, we will always default to running the direction of the pattern that our images show (lengthwise). If you would like to change the direction of the pattern, please reach out to us before making a purchase. 

Read on for more details about pattern direction!

What is pattern direction on area rugs, stair runners, and carpet?

The direction of the pattern plays a crucial role in how area rugs, stair runners, and carpets with patterns look in your home. Pattern direction refers to the orientation of the design, such as chevrons or geometric shapes on the carpet. 



Which direction do patterns typically run?

Typically, patterns on a rug, a stair runner, or carpet are aligned parallel to its length. For example, a rug with a linear pattern like Danube (pictured below) has its stripes run vertically or lengthwise. 


When and why would I want to change the pattern direction?

In some cases, it might be preferable to change the direction of the pattern to maximize material, which tends to be more cost-effective, and/or avoid a seam. For example, if you were ordering a 12x15 area rug, it might make sense to change the direction of the pattern to save on material (and cost). 


What do I need to do in order to request a pattern direction change?

If you have any questions about pattern direction, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help!
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